Tuesday 29 November 2016

Squamata update.

I managed to do a little more work on my Squamata Juniper today.

The start.

Last night, the right hand side partially done. 

Today, the left side done.

Viewed from the right side.

Viewed from the left side.

Just the apex to tackle now.

Monday 28 November 2016

Natter night 28th November 2016.

It was a very cold night, but the banter was very warm and friendly in the studio tonight,with all six visitors who turned up.

Ken M brought this nice Scots Pine to remove the old wire that has been on for some time.

He was assisted by Boxie and intently watched by Andy and Margery.

 Meanwhile John G created a small Shari on his Boulevard Cypress.

Boxie dewired this Squamata Juniper for me last week, so I started to do a rewire tonight.

Almost half way and already starting to look better.

I will try to finish the whole tree sometime this week.

Pot cabinet update.

A quick update on my new pot cabinet, I said I may add some more shelves in the future, well I guess today is the future as I have added them.

Not only added but filled with pots as well.

Saturday 26 November 2016

Pot cabinet.

While out shopping yesterday we called in to the help for heroes charity shop and I came across a glass fronted cabinet, it was an old brown varnished unit, but I thought it would sand back quite good.
As the other furniture in our home is antique pine I needed something to match in with it.
After four hours of sanding and a coat of wax, I think it looks just about right for the job.

It now contains some of my better quality pots which I love.
Not a bad result for £16 and a bit of work.
I may add some more shelves at some time in the future.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Bonsai Thursday with Dave.

As it was very frosty here today there was not a lot we could do with the trees, so we were just chatting when Margery arrived with an old swivel chair for the workshop. As I had already purchased two last week I decided to turn it into a table for working on the trees.

No sooner said than done, with some decking boards and a few screws, hey presto all done.

The height is also adjustable, which makes it a very useful addition to the studio.

Thanks Margery.


It has been a little frosty in the garden this morning.

But it looks like we could have a nice sunny day.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Andy's new Larch.

Here are some photos of Andy's new Larch he got on Monday.

This looks like a really old tree.

A close up of the beautiful bark.

Also looks like a very nice Nebari as well.

Andy will be doing this tree at Robert's workshop here in Spring.

Monday 21 November 2016

Natter night 21st November 2016.

Tonight I had a surprise visitor from the Scottish land in the form of Robert Porch,who had come down this way to deliver a tree to someone,and decided to pay me a visit with Boxie.
Always nice to see you Robert.

Robert did a critique on one of my Squamata Junipers.

Which Boxie kindly removed the wire for me.

Boxie also brought this rather nice Maple with him, this was also critiqued and had a couple of branches removed.

Next for the chop, sorry slight prune, was this Larch which belongs to Susan G.

A nice tree for a workshop with Robert in Spring.

Another Larch, which now belongs to Andy P, will also be a workshop tree.

I did manage to remove the wire from this Larch, which is one of mine.

Despite the weather being foul the banter was really good and everyone really enjoyed themselves very much. 

Sunday 20 November 2016

Garden visit.

On Saturday we visited the garden of Brian T not far outside the city, not the best of weather but a good day out.

Lovely garden.

Also some nice Bonsai.

A very nice White Pine.

The sausage rolls were very welcome, thanks Marie.

Thursday 17 November 2016

Bonsai Thursday with Dave.

Today Dave and me had a look at this Larch, which belong's to Dave, and decided to start a restyle on it.

The original apex was defoliated .

Prior to turning it into Jin.

The long straight Jin was shortened and with the aid of a guy wire we started to bring one of the branches up to create a new apex.

This was as far as we got today, still a lot of work to do.
More next Thursday.

Monday 14 November 2016

Natter night 14th November 2016.

As I said in my last post I got started on the second Larch and even managed to get it finished tonight.

This was how it looked yesterday.

I started by removing the old needles and wiring the lower left branch.

All the other old needles were then removed and a lot of wire was added.

I thought I had no chance of getting finished tonight, but with a little help from Boxie, here it is.

Back outside with the light on, you can see the final image better.


Ken M brought the second of his Common Juniper to work on.

After a light prune and a small bit of wiring, it is showing sign's of becoming a very nice tree.

Only two trees tonight, but a lot of work achieved.

Sunday 13 November 2016

The next Larch.

This is the next Larch that will be worked on, I will probably start it tomorrow and carry on into my natter night.

As you can see the foliage has almost gone so now is a good time to work on it.
Once done I will clean up the top of the pot and place the tree in a cold greenhouse over Winter.

Saturday 12 November 2016

Larch update.

Now that the Lime Sulpher has dried on the Jin and Shari, I thought an update was due, so here it is.

It needs to be potted at a different angle, but that is a job for Spring time.


Only a couple of weeks age my Acer Palmatum was showing beautiful colour.

Just look at it now, almost no foliage left.

Roll on Spring.