Monday 29 April 2019

What a view.

I never tire of this view when I come out of the house on a morning, or any time really.

Sunday 28 April 2019

Quiet Sunday.

Well it was until I got the grinder out to create a bird bath for the garden.

A nice bit of slate I was given by Susan G a few months ago, after a lot of dust and a lot of coughing finally finished. I hope the birds like it.

I also gave the trees another spray, just water this time.
After spraying I cannot resist taking more photos of my trees as the colour is so good when they are wet.

I really think that Spring is the best time of the year.

Even more flowers.

My Hawthorn is giving me an even better display of flowers this year and still a lot more to open.

Thursday 25 April 2019

As darkness falls.

I have just been in the garden to take some photos as darkness is coming in fast.

The rain clouds pass by.

Acer Palmatum.

Crab Apple.

Hawthorn and Squamata Juniper.

All pics taken without flash, just to see what happened.
Turned out quite good.

Bonsai Thursday.

As Dave could not come over today I took the opportunity to do a little trim on my Hawthorn group.

Looks much neater now.

Also more flowers are open on my bigger Hawthorn.

Can't wait for them all to open/

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Bonsai Wednesday.

A very good night with three visitors as Dev came as well as Tony and John, just as well Dev brought two trees to work on because they were the only ones.

The first job was a pot up of this nice Sekka Hinoki.

Next job a rewire of his Yew.

Plus a little refinement work on a couple of stumps left when removing branches at it's first styling.

Then started the job of adding wire.

We only got about half way, so Dev will finish off at home and bring the tree back to be styled.

Looking good so far.

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Natter night 22nd April 2019.

At last the weather was kind enough for my visitors to work outside in the garden.

Lovely sunshine.

Even Boxy, dressed for the weather.

He was busy tonight, that's his second Juniper.

The first Juniper after dewiring and a clip.

Sue feeling very relaxed.

Ken's first tree, a Cotoneaster rock planting.

After a little wiring and slight clip.

Ken's second tree, a nice Hawthorn.

After a small clip-out.

Sue's first tree, a nice Chinese Juniper, Shohin.

Which also had a trim.

Finally this Needle Juniper had a Shari added.

Yet another busy but productive night.

Hawthorn flowers popping.

The first flower buds on my Hawthorn have started to burst open.

Sunday 21 April 2019

Crab Apple.

Crab Apple blooming in the sunshine.

Saturday 20 April 2019

Sunny Saturday.

It had to be done, so as it is a nice sunny day I got the fence paint out and did the benches and fences.

As I normally do when painting I take the opportunity to rearrange the trees to create a different display.

The trees really do look better with freshly painted benches and backdrop.

Thursday 18 April 2019

Bonsai Thursday.

Another project today when Dave came over for our usual day of Bonsai.
He arrived with not one ,but two bags of stuff. The first one was of some Copper Beech saplings from a nursery.

The second one had a pot and a frame work of chopsticks.

We chose the trees and fixed them into the pot.

Which was then filled with compost.

Then we braced the trees into a better position to form this forest planting.

We will let it grow and settle in before any more work is done.

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Bonsai Wednesday.

As I said in a previous post, I was going to do a tidy up on a Boulevard Cypress tonight, well as Tony and John were still away, { bird watching } so did not manage to come tonight, I did the tree.

The tree as it was last night.

Tonight I started by giving it a light prune, then I cleaned the trunk and deadwood with a light mixed soapy water. the next job was to wash all the algae and soap off it. When it had dried a little I gave the deadwood a coat of Lime Sulpher to seal it again.

It looks much neater now especially after I cleaned the pot. 

Being retired.

Being retired has it's good points and bad points, one good thing is being here to look after my trees, a bad thing is not having enough hours in the day.

I have been out watering this morning and like to take photos afterwards as the trees look nice and fresh and healthy.

A least I have time for this.