Monday, 29 February 2016

Natter night 29th February 2016.

This post could have had a couple of titles, such as natter day, or the Monday project after the teaser I posted the other day.
We started to wire about 11 o'clock this morning and finished 4 o'clock this afternoon.

I wonder how many people thought that Boxie's Hornbeam would turn out like it has.

This is the tree before any work was done.

With a slight change of angle and the bottom right branches wired and placed. 
Does this give you a clue the way it is going?

Then how about this after about five hours of the two of us adding wire.

Yes a wind swept style.
Nothing has been cut back yet as it is not the right time, they should not be clipped before they come into leaf. There are probably too many branches as well, but they will be thinned out later in the season.

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