Thursday, 16 March 2017

Bonsai Thursday with Dave.

When Dave was here today we gave this Procumbens juniper a light prune.

Back on the bench in the sunshine, looking more refined.

I also thought I would clean the surface of my Redwood and remove the weeds. While doing so Dave noticed some wood rot just below soil level, so I started to remove it and came across a vine weevil grub crawling about in the soil. Next step was a full repot and wash the roots to see if there were any more and there was, but not any more.
Disposed of in a good way, under foot.

There was also a lot of compacted soil below the trunk, which was holding a lot of moisture, this was removed and the tree planted in fresh compost.
The rotten wood turned out to be a large root that had been cut off and not sealed, by the look of it, this was cut back to hard wood and treated before replanting.

I thought it is a bit early for Weevil to be hatching but it has been in the greenhouse to protect from late frosts for a couple of weeks and this is why they have come out so soon.

Time to douse my whole collection I think.

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