Monday, 27 March 2017

Natter night 27th March 2017.

Three whole days of sunshine was only bettered by another good night of Bonsai with friends.

Even Fudge the cat joined us, pretending to be a tree on the bench.

The apex on Andy's Siberian Elm moved a little after a bending clamp was removed.

We added a guy wire to pull it back into position 

Ken started to remove the soil from this White Pine as it was mainly a peat based compost and was retaining too much water.

Potted into a mica pot in a much more open mixture should help this tree to regain it's vigor.

Andy's Hornbeam was wired and given a basic styling.

This varigated Juniper was de-wired by Paul and Boxie.

Meanwhile Ken and I added some wire to his Fir tree before compacting the canopy.

After the work was done it looks a lot better.

Another of Ken's trees, this time a Maple, was given a small clip out.

Paul also repotted this small Podocarpus.

After potting it looks better in the new pot.

The end of a good night of Bonsaiing.

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