Monday 6 March 2017

Natter night 6th March 2017.

I have had a very busy day today and not just the usual busy night, as I have finished all the repotting I am doing this year, on my trees anyhow.

This second Procumbens Juniper is now in a new pot. It was in a rectangle but is now in this round pot.

Next to be done my Boulevard Cypress that was worked on with Bjorn Bjorholm last year.
Bjorn showed me the new planting angle to place the tree at.

Now repotted and I think it looks a lot better than it was.

Andy P brought this Pyracantha to work on, he thought of separating the two trees, but after a discussion it was decided just to alter the apex to create more taper in the tree.

It worked and now looks better.

Susan brought this Larch that was wired ready for a tweak.

This was the result.

Finally tonight this Cotoneaster Margery brought to be given it's first ceramic pot.

Amazing how much better it is in a decent pot.

Yes quite a long day but very satisfying.

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