Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Natter night 12th June 2017.

My day started early again, when John R came over about lunch time with one of his Hawthorn.

The front view before work.

After a clip and wiring it looks much better.

The back view before work.

After working.

This small Larch had a little work done, Margery was pleased with the outcome.

Another Hawthorn, this time Ken's, had a good clip out.

A good job done Ken.

This Juniper, on the left, was repotted a few months ago and given a new planting angle in the cascade style.

It belong's to Paul M, who started to wire it ready for it's new look.

After wiring and styling it is now on it's way to becoming a nice tree.

There was one person who had nothing to do but play with wire.
Guess who?

We all had a very enjoyable night once more.

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