Thursday, 22 March 2018

Bonsai Thursday with Dave.

The task for today was to find out what was in this tub and what had any roots.

This tub has been sitting in the garden for a number of years and today was the day for separation of the various bits that had been pushed in over time.

After removal from the tub, a good sign, plenty of roots to work with.

The first one separated, this small piece of Hawthorn.

Second one out, a bigger Hawthorn.

Next, a Hazel.

An Itoigawa juniper.

A very small piece of Yew.

Another Itoigawa juniper.

All of these had some nice roots on, so they were potted up with a mixture of Sphagnum moss and compost. they will be kept in a green house for a while to give them a chance to recover.

I like free trees.

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