Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Natter night 18th June 2018.

The night started a little quiet then Ken and new boy Graham W { Andy P's son in law } arrived at the same time. Graham has taken over Andy's trees and wants to learn how to look after them properly, he brought a pine that had blown over and broken the pot, so the first job was to pot it into a new one.

Boxy showed Graham how to pot the pine without disturbing the roots, which are growing very well.
It will be given a full repot next Spring.

Graham and Boxy admiring their handiwork.The Rock buns were lovely Graham, thanks.

This tree will form into a very nice image when styled.

Ken brought his Common Juniper back for further wiring and styling.

After the work it looks much more compact.

John G brought this Red Pine to show us the results of  his recent pruning.

New buds starting to appear.

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