Monday, 29 October 2018

Natter night 29th October 2018.

It is the time of year when we struggle to have any trees that we can do any work on, apart from cleaning up the debris that has collected on the top of the pot.

Ken brought this Fir to show how some small branches have died this season. We thought it may have been due to the very hot weather we had earlier in the year.

It is not really a problem as they were only small branches so they were removed.

However the roll over on the Shari looks very good.

I even got a good photo of Ken's best side.

Another of Ken's trees, a Buxus, needed a bit of work on the dead wood parts.

Which Boxy did very well.

Then Boxy did his impression of an Australian Box tree.

Bonsai is about learning and having fun along the way.

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