Another good night, but no trees were brought along to work on, so I brought this Hawthorn in to see if it was ready for a pot.
This tree was an Ariel root cutting from another Hawthorn a couple of years ago, when removed from the pot there were roots on the bottom so it was placed in this pot, just to give it a chance of life.
The thick branch was the main root, which died back and I thought I had lost it, but after a few months it started to grow from near the base. Tonight after removing from the pot and seeing how much root it had, we decided to try a root over rock planting.
A piece of Tufa rock was found and the tree wrapped around it and secured in place.
It took two pairs of hands.
When wrapped it was placed back in the same pot.
Then a little wire, just to begin shaping.
Even a quiet night is fun.