Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Bonsai Wednesday.

Tonight Tony was playing with the camera so I asked him to take a pic of me with the Taxus I repotted on Monday.
I don't want to frighten anyone, but to show the size of the tree.

On Monday Graham brought this, I think it was a Crab Apple, which after inspection was declared dead. I told him I would try to make it grow again and tonight as there was nothing else to do I gave it a go.

It was removed from the pot to inspect the roots, they were dead.

I had these Quince cuttings growing quite good, so decided to make the dead tree into a Tanuki.

I placed the cuttings to see the best position for them.

Then carved the trunk for them to sit in.

They were then placed and tied.

With some help from Tony.

Carefully, I then replanted it back into the same pot.

Now it will be given a lot of care and attention over the coming months.

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