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Tuesday 25 December 2018


Happy Bonsai day to one and all.

Just remember, a Bonsai is not just for xmas, it must be looked after all year long.

Monday 24 December 2018

Santa eve.

A little on the cold side this morning.

A bit of frost.

Boulevard Cypress.

As you can see the trees are still out on the benches, enjoying the sunshine.

Thursday 20 December 2018

Bonsai Thursday.

Today we just did a little more cleaning on the deadwood on this Juniper and had plenty of coffee.
I also had a play with the camera, 
this snap with the flash on.

This one without the flash.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Bonsai Wednesday.

This afternoon I had a little play around with some of the slate I was gifted earlier this week.

Looks quite good for now, but I may change it about when the weather warms up.

As there were no trees to do tonight, I did a little more work on the deadwood of this Juniper.

More bits to play with.

I have been given some more bits and pieces to play with.

These bits of driftwood.

Some very nice slate.

Just a little bit.

To some people just a pile of slate and driftwood, but to me I see inspiration for the future.

Monday 17 December 2018

Natter night 17th December 2018.

It was nice to have my natter night once more after canceling last week because of illness, { much better now thanks }

Graham brought two trees to have the wire removed.
First one a nice Larch.

Which he and Boxy got to work on.

Ken brought this Scots pine for me to fix back into it's pot, after it had been blown over in a storm last week.

Or was it a Santa pine ?

We did have a visit off the real Santa though.

This Tanuki juniper was also dewired.

Once again a good night's work and a lot of fun as well.

Thursday 13 December 2018

Bonsai Thursday.

After being under the weather for about a week now, I am at last starting to feel a bit more normal,so today when Dave came over I did a little more work on this Itoigawa juniper.

This is before any work was done.

Today, looking much better.

This will do for now, a nice basic image.

Thursday 6 December 2018

Bonsai Thursday.

I carried on where I left off last night, wiring the Itoigawa juniper and with some input from Dave, I now know where it is going.
Some branches were removed and some Jin created.

I may add more wire later. 

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Bonsai Wednesday.

On my own tonight, as John is at the hospital having his wrist checked, and Tony had the night off.


So I started to wire this Itoigawa juniper.

I have a lot more to do, but I have plenty of time.

Pleased so far.

The one.

This is an update on my post from yesterday on a pot for a Taxus.

I really like this Ian Baillie pot, but thought it was a bit on the big side.

This morning I came across this Bigei pot, which I think is the right size and colour for it.

A good match I think.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Going potty.

Last night before anybody came along Boxy and I were trying to decide if this pot was a good match to a Taxus in my collection.

This is just after the first styling I did.

We tried this Ian Baillie pot that I just acquired from Robert Porch.

We tried it from a different angle and a new side of the pot.

Maybe a little on the large side, but I am still undecided as to which view of the tree I like best.

Natter night 3rd December 2018.

Natter night once more.

 I really look forward to these informal night's of like minded people who come to learn and enjoy the passion of Bonsai.

This is how happy the evening makes people when they get into Bonsai.

Graham W was the only one who brought trees to work on and got straight down to it.

This nice Literati Cedar needed the smaller of the two trunks brought into line.

Boxy came up with this idea to give something to brace it to

Which worked very well.

The tree will be left for a little while then rewired and styled.

Graham also brought this small tree, which we now think is a Heather,to be dewired.

A quiet night,  but enjoyable and informative.

Monday 3 December 2018

Itoigawa work.

I started to take the wire off this Itoigawa juniper last night and did not think there was that much on it.

Just goes to show.

There was some on the floor as well

The pot I have chosen for it, a very nice Ian Baillie pot I have had for about four years.

I knew I would eventually find a tree to put in it.

Sunday 2 December 2018

More bargain's.

Here's some photos of the bargain's I got at Robert's yesterday.

This Itoigawa juniper will keep me busy for a while.

A very nice Ian Baillie pot.

Another by Ian Baillie.

Both of these pots have beautiful glazes .

Saturday 1 December 2018

New purchase.

Today I purchased this nice Itoigawa juniper from Robert up in Glasgow.

I will post a better photo tomorrow when I get time.