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Thursday 31 August 2017

Bonsai Thursday with Dave.

When Dave arrived this morning  I was already busy in the studio, carrying on where I left off yesterday, wiring my Itoigawa Juniper.

Where I stopped yesterday, about half way.

Allmost done, just the apex to do.

The final image.

To say I am pleased with the outcome is an understatement !

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Juniper update.

I started to rewire this Itoigawa juniper yesterday after a clean up on Monday.

This is as far as I have got up to now.
Slow but sure.

About half way, maybe I can finish it this week.

Monday 28 August 2017

Natter night 28th August 2017.

Bank holliday Monday still did not put people off coming tonight for our weekly get together.

Susan brought two trees for some advice and a tweak, both of them pre-wired.

The first one a Cypress was tweaked a little and a nice image emerged.

This second one, a privet, is a tree Susan is using to practice on. she is intending to try some carving at a later date.

After a little branch placement the shape is a bit better.

Ken M brought this Scots pine for a bit of refinement treatment.

A bit of clipping thinned it out a little.

Then some branch placement.

Now much more open to allow light in.

In the mood.

Just to get myself in the mood for my natter night I started to give this Itoiagawa juniper a good clean up.

I started on cleaning the bark, which did not look too bad, but it still took a couple of hours to do.

After cleaning I then used a very fine spray to wash all the remnants off.

Looking much better.

The foliage still needs to be wired and placed, which I think will be done at a Bjorn Bjorholm workshop in October.

Saturday 26 August 2017

Bonsai day out.

Today we had a run over to the north east of UK to the Northeast Koi show, which also included a small show of Bonsai presented by Robert Atkinson and friends.

Rob beside the sales table.

The display trees.

A small but very good display.

Friday 25 August 2017

Bonsai Thursday with Dave.

Yet another good day with Dave, working on trees, trying to make improvements to them.
This small Pyracantha was the first to be worked on.

After removal of some thick branches it is much smaller, but more compact.

This Juniper was next to have some work done.

Dave doing some carving.

After carving and wiring, the single canopy is looking good.

My thanks once again to Dave for his company and imput.

Monday 21 August 2017

Natter night 21st August 2017.

A bad start to the day when I dropped my phone into a bucket of soapy water and it stopped working.
New one on it's way, good to be insured.

The afternoon was a lot better though, so I started to wire my Hemlock.

I got on quite well, trimming as I went.

Back outside looking better.

I knew Ken M was coming so I asked Susan to bring her Taxus that we worked on last week so Ken could see it in the flesh.He was pleased to see it doing so well.

Ken also brought this Pyracantha for a trim.

Looking much neater now.

Bad start, good finish to the day.

Sunday 20 August 2017

Sunday--- Bonsai.

I thought today that the Procumbens Juniper that was planted into the bogwood landscape was ready for a bit of styling.

The bottom branch on the left side was far to high.

Lowered with the help of a guy wire, then the rest of the branches were replaced in position.

Saturday 19 August 2017

Bonsai in the dark.

Some photos of my trees in the darkness of the night.

Time to wire.

I had some spare time this morning, so I thought I would wire this Juniper that Dave and I started on Thursday.

Thursday after we finished.

Today after wiring and placement of branches.

Outside in daylight.

Still a long way to go, but enough for now.

Thursday 17 August 2017

August or Autumn?

Looks like the first sign of Autumn.

This Virginia creeper has turned a lovely colour.

Bonsai Thursday with Dave.

Today with Dave we worked on this Blauwes Juniper.

We worked creating some deadwood.
It will be wired and styled later.

We also did some more work on the deadwood on this Yew..