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Welcome to my blog. My diary of my life in the Bonsai world.

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Sunday 5 April 2020

Not quite the end.

I am sorry to have to tell you this, but my blog here on E Blogger is due to be closed down. After eight years of posting I have had enough of my photo hosting site, not only holding me to ransom with ever increasing costs, but also an ever decreasing service. So I have set it in motion to cancel my subscription to photo bucket and this will result in not being able to show on the blog.

However you can still see and follow my blog on Facebook.

So when the photos vanish so will the blog.

This is just one of the problems I am having.

Thursday 2 April 2020

White Pine.

This is my Kokonoe white pine and I have been asked why I have a rubber cover over the top of the pot. It is because we get a lot of rain around here and the tree does not like it's roots very wet.

The tree lost a lot of branches until the pot was covered up and kept a bit dryer.

No problems now, as you can see by the new buds.

Hinoki Cypress.

My tree for today a Hinoki Cypress, started last year from nursery stock.

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Chinese Juniper.

This Chinese Juniper is about ready for a clean up and trim.

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Monday 30 March 2020

Not Natter night.

Ronin Bonsai is like everyone else, still on lock down, so I just kept myself busy with a little cleaning up.

My  Taxus is budding up nicely, so should be a good year for it.

Looking up for another view.


I noticed my Berberis is well on it's way pushing out new growth.

Always a relief after winter.

Sunday 29 March 2020

Hawthorn group.

My Hawthorn group is really starting to grow once again.

Saturday 28 March 2020

Spring is Springing.

Just six days ago I posted a photo of my Redwood showing the new buds swelling fast and here is a second of it today.

The good sunshine has really boosted it. But keep an eye on the forecast for the next few days, just in case of frosts.

Also it is coming up to the time when the dreaded Vine Weevils will begin to hatch, so don't forget to treat the soil.

Photo two, six days ago.

Friday 27 March 2020

A couple of small ones.

More repotting today, this time smaller trees.

First this nice Larch.

This Cotoneaster in it's first Bonsai pot. by Barry Somerville.

Thursday 26 March 2020

Investigation search.

I have been investigating the deadwood on the Taxus I recently acquired.

Using a blunt knife I removed the dead bark from the main trunk.

Found the edge of the live vein on either side.

A lot of carving required, when it recovers from collecting.

Clean up time.

As I have plenty of time at the moment I decided to clean up some of my trees and have started with a Hawthorn.

It is not magic or complicated.

First clean off the surface.

Then give the hard compost a light rake{ with a chop stick} to loosen.

Top dress with new compost.
Clean the pot.

Hey, not a new tree, but looks much better.

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Chin up.

During this unpleasant time I am staying at home and keeping busy with my Bonsai.

I hope to relieve some of the stress for others by posting photos of my trees.

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Repot. Acer Palmatum.

I decided today to do a repot on my Acer Palmatum, which had only been in the pot for two years.

In need of some new compost.

Lifting up in the pot.

Lots of roots.

A light trim.

About an inch removed all round.

The base was also trimmed by the same amount..

Placing back in the pot. The sharp eyed will notice the wedges cut out, to allow more room for new roots.

Nebari looking good.

Final image.

Job done.

Monday 23 March 2020

A bit of sunshine.

This afternoon I took some time out to have a sit in the garden, in beautiful sunshine, I may add.

My deciduous trees are turning green once more.

Open buds on a Hawthorn.

Social isolation.

Due to the situation as it is I have found a way to pass the time.

Stand in front of one of your Bonsai and watch the buds swell and burst into life.

Takes a while but very satisfying.

My Hemlock.

Sunday 22 March 2020

A walk in the woods.

Today I went for a walk in the woods, or better known as my Bonsai garden

At least my trees are enjoying the good weather.

Hawthorn budding well

Looks like lots of flowers again.

Dawn Redwood buds swelling fast.

Small Blackthorn with open buds.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Finished Larch.

Today I finished wiring Dev's Larch that I started earlier this week.

I think it looks a lot more compact now.

Before any work.

I have really enjoyed this work.

Friday 20 March 2020

Larch update.

In these days of social isolation I am keeping myself busy by wiring trees.
I have been working on this Larch that Dev left with me.

Photo one when the tree arrived on Tuesday.

Photo two, Thursday.

Photo three, Friday.

See I still know what day it is.

Thursday 19 March 2020

Beautiful day.

Isn't it great when the sun shines all day for a change, it makes you feel like everything is fine in the world.